• Working Hours - Mon - Thu: 8:00 - 17:00; Fri: 8:00 - 14:00
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Laboratory Equipment Maintenance Unit

Laboratory Equipment Maintenance Unit

Equipment Maintenance

Laboratory Equipment Maintenance

We select, install, calibrate, repair and maintain laboratory equipment for optimum results in health facilities supported by IHVN across the country. The Unit is also responsible for conducting trainings and trouble shooting to ensure that patient’s laboratory results for our programs are consistently reliable.

As a unit, our operations began in 2005 with technical support from the University of Maryland, USA.


  • Working closely with Germfree INC USA, to install and maintain a world class modular Biosafety Level 3 TB laboratory for tuberculosis culture in Zaria, Nigeria.
  • Refurbishing the non-functional BSL3 in Dr. Lawrence Henshaw Memorial Hospital, Calabar using 70% local materials with Germfree INC USA,
  • Installing the Bio-Safety Level 2 laboratory at Zaria for tuberculosis work and training.
  • Carrying out continuous maintenance and repair service on all equipment in health facilities IHVN supports


Laboratory staff receive training on equipment maintenance at Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Kano

  • Supervising the use of laboratory equipment in all program areas such as Anti-retroviral Treatment, Molecular Diagnostics, Clinical Chemistry, Microbiology, Tuberculosis, Research (including cancer research, malaria, haematology, training laboratories) etc.
    • Carrying out installation, certification, maintenance and repair services, and conducting trainings on major laboratory equipment.
  • Servicing of the Heating and Ventilation Air Conditioning (H-VAC) unit of the BSL3 laboratory.

The Unit produced the only two NSF Accredited Biosafety Cabinet Certifiers in West Africa. With funding from ASLM, the unit has also certified Bio-Safety Cabinets in Gambia and Burkina Faso.

Our Activities/Strategies:

  • Assess health facilities, install appropriate equipment.
  • Train operators on the use, care and maintenance of the laboratory equipment.
  • Monitor and carry out preventive maintenance, repairs on all laboratory equipment.
  • Keep records for all laboratory equipment (eg. installation, warranty, preventive maintenance, fault record/repair and training records).
  • Certify and calibrate laboratory equipment.
  • Liaise with other maintenance service providers on behalf of IHVN.
  • Recommend appropriate equipment for use in diagnosis and research. to management.

Unit contact email: lab@ihvnigeria.org

Laboratory Equipment Maintenance Team

Our Team